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At Discovery School Academy Trust the Board of Trustees (sometimes known as the board of directors or governing body) is ultimately responsible for governance of the schools in the trust and is accountable for their performance. To support effective governance, the Board delegates governance functions to be carried out through committees, locally through each school Advisory Board and through the central executive team.
The Advisory Board consists of parents, staff and community representatives; the Headteacher is a member of the Advisory Board by virtue of their office. Community Members are appointed by the Advisory Board and are people, who in the opinion of the Advisory Board, have the skills required to contribute to the work of the board; Parent and staff members are elected to the board by the parent and staff body respectively.
Name | Position Held |
Natalie Willcock | Headteacher (ex-officio) Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 1/1 Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 2/4 No business interests declared 28.8.24 |
Claire Duffin | Parent member & AB Chair Term of Office 14.5.24-13.5.27 Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 1/1 Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 1/1 Business interests declared 29.8.24: Employee, British Grooms and Equestrian Employers Group since May’24. |
Clare Howe | Parent member & AB Vice-Chair Term of Office 24.9.24-23.9.27 Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 1/1 Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: n/a No business interests declared. |
Richard Doyle | Community member Term of Office 16.1.24-15.1.27 Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 1/1 Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 3/3 No business interests declared 10.1.24. |
Liam Collins | Staff member Term of Office 19.9.23-18.9.26 Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 1/1 Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 4/4 No business interests declared 28.8.24 |
Sue Smith | Community member |
If you have a passion for improving outcomes for children and would like to use your skills and expertise to contribute to the governance of our schools please get in touch by contacting the Trust Central team c/o clerk@discoveryschoolstrust.org.uk
You can contact our Chair of the Advisory Board via the Trust Clerk clerk@discoverytrust.org
Board meeting minutes are available on request. Requests should be directed to the Trust Clerk clerk@discoverytrust.org
Click here to visit the DSAT website
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